Copy of more bold logo asa .png

African Student Association

Marketing Chair


  • Oversee marketing & cohesiveness of ASA brand

  • Use Adobe CC to create flyers

  • Website creation & management

  • Develop marketing concepts and designs for major ASA events

  • Manage social media accounts (Instagram and Twitter)


Click button to view accomplishments, or scroll.

Digital Media Form


  • Created an elaborate form to ease the process of producing digital media for the organization

    • Very effective in giving the user what they want

    • 97% satisfaction

  • Click the image to view form questions, or click here.

Tools used: Google Forms, Design Theory, Psychology, Research Methods

Example of Transition from Flyer Request to Production

From this…

Flyer Request for Taste of Africa Event:

GT ASA Digital Media Form - Google Forms.jpg

 …to THIS

Flyer Result:


Tools used: Illustrator, After Effects, Photoshop

Animated Flyers

*Quality of animated gifs may be lossy due to file compression & optimization. Please click here or any image to see fully rendered gifs.

Tools used: Illustrator, After Effects, Photoshop

Instagram Success

Analytics, or Insights:

  • Followers: 37% increase with only 0.2% unfollow rate

  • Engagement: 46% increase on average

    • Instagram defines engagement by the number of likes, comments, and saves on the post

  • Most Active Times: 12pm - 9pm on Wed (***Meeting time was 6-7pm on Wed)

User Demographics:


  • Strategic layout

    • Post in 3’s to make a more visually aesthetic page

    • Post in themes

  • Post Interactive Flyers & Stories

  • Post Frequently (1-2x per week)

  • Respond to DMs

  • Respond to comments

  • Locations

    • 95.3% United States

      • 47% Atlanta

    • 1% Nigeria

    • 0.6% Ghana

  • Age

    • 13-17: 0.3%

    • 18-24: 57.7%

    • 25-34: 31.9%

    • 35+ : 10.1%

  • Gender

    • Women: 60.3%

    • Men: 39.7%

Snippets from ASA IG Page

Black Lives Matter

***Created strategic fundraiser game to make raising money fun. Raised approx. $2000 in 2 days for the BLM movement on Instagram.


Juneteenth Celebration Invitation

Sexual Violence in Nigeria (surrounded by profiles of victims)

Sexual Violence Crisis @ GT


Meet the E-Board

Ethiopia & The Nile River

ASA Juneteenth Celebration


GT ASA Website:

  • Programmed and deployed the official ASA website titled to create an efficient avenue for information to be retrieved using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Tools used: HTML, CSS, Squarespace